Early snowblowers were attached to trucks and trains, so they had a lot of available power. However, smaller personal models became more readily available to homeowners and small businesses as we industrialized manufacturing.
These machines didn’t need to cover as much ground, so they were less robust. How much horsepower do you need on a snowblower? I’ll explain the different sizes and help you figure out how to determine the power you need.
The width of the snowblower directly correlates to how much horsepower you need to successfully run it. It takes 1/3 to 1/2 of one horsepower per inch in width. The more horsepower means a faster and more effective way to clear the path in front of your machine. However, adding horsepower also adds weight, making it harder to push.
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What Is A Good Horsepower For A Snow Blower
The correct horsepower for your snowblower depends on its size, whether it’s a single, double, or triple stage, how deep the snow you deal with tends to be, and how often you use it.
Additionally, because more horsepower means more weight, it also depends on how strong you are. I will break it down.
- Size – This is the width of your blower. For example, twenty-four inches is reasonably expected for a smaller blower.
- Stages – Single-stage snowblowers are made for flat, personal driveways. Double-stage blowers handle larger areas and slight inclines, and triples cover a more extensive, less even area. According to AGreenHand, the stages also indicate how many augers the blower uses.
- Snow Depth – Do you live in an area that gets a couple of inches, or are you clearing the only access to a remote cabin in a damp area of Alaska?
- Frequency of Use – If you live in an area with short winters and infrequent snow, it’s a different level of need from a place in the far northern hemisphere where it snows a hundred days a year or more.
What Is The Minimum HP Needed For Snowblower
The minimum horsepower you need for a snowblower is around 0.3 hp per inch wide. However, that will barely make it move. A better minimum is around a half hp an inch.
However, you may want to scale up unless you deal with infrequent and shallow snow.
You can find snowblowers that have truly minimal horsepower. At 22 inches wide, some models only come with five to six hp.
Is 8 HP Good For Snowblower
Eight horsepower is an excellent rating for a small to medium residential snowblower. If your model is twenty-one inches high or less, and the width is no more than two feet, then you have enough power.
Meanwhile, at twenty-six inches wide, it’s passable but not great.
At this size, you probably have a single stage snowblower. In that case, it will handle roughly eight inches to a foot of snow, but you don’t want to test it against deeper piles of powder.
However, you can’t use these small models on gravel or concrete.
How Many Horsepower Is 179cc Snowblower
Typically a 179cc snowblower is five to six horsepower. You can expect models of this size to have a variety of speeds.
For example, the Craftsman 21″ Snowblower has six forward and two reverse speeds to suit any user or conditions. Moreover, the self-propelled speeds help reduce fatigue and make it easier for you.
Calculate the horsepower or CC by multiplying or dividing by 15. The general rule is for every 15 CC, there is 1 HP. For example, for a 150 CC engine, you would take 150 divided by 15, which equals 10 HP.
How Many HP Is 208cc Snowblower
Your 208cc snowblower should run around five and a half to seven horsepower. The engine speed on a blower this size should be over thirty-six hundred RPM with seven-point nine-five foot-pounds of torque.
As a smaller snowblower, you can expect this size to sport a single augur. However, even at this size, a high-quality blower should have features like an adjustable chute to direct the snow where you need it, regardless of which way you turn.
How Much Horsepower Does A 212cc Snowblower Have
A 212cc snowblower should have six and a half to eight horsepower. You are likely dealing with a two-stage blower at this size, but the real question is how much snow it will move.
Regrettably, each brand measures a little differently, and their tons per hour are variable.
The Toro Power Max HD 1030OHAE can move 51 tons per hour. Meanwhile, the smaller, less powerful Honda 20″ 187cc single-stage snow blower can move about fifty-five tons per hour.
How Many HP Is 243cc Snow Blower
Typically, a 243cc snowblower runs around eight and a half hp. Notably, the type of snow a machine moves, regardless of horsepower, affects how deep the blower can manage.
Usually, you can expect your snowblower to move snow that is half as deep when it is wet, so if it can generally handle twenty-four inches, cut it down to one foot when it’s melting or extra damp.
How Many Horsepower Is 250cc Snowblower
By the time you reach 250cc’s on a snowblower, your machine is around 27 inches wide and weighs between 210 and 230 pounds.
Moreover, it’s almost always a two-stage model with dual augurs. Although cc’s only equate to horsepower roughly, a blower this size likely runs at least fifteen to sixteen horsepower.
Helpful Tips To Know About How Much Horsepower Needed On A Snowblower
How much horsepower a snowblower needs depends on numerous variables. When in doubt, opt for a higher hp option because it will move faster and more efficiently.
Here are more helpful tips to know about how much horsepower is needed on a snowblower.
- Two-stage snow blowers tend to range in size from 22 inches to 34 inches. However, this doesn’t determine the horsepower. Always overestimate how much power and size you need when in doubt rather than picking a smaller model.
- Any snowblower that costs $600 to $800 is considered economy. However, it’s better to opt for a slightly pricier residential model. Meanwhile, if you need a larger, more powerful model with more horsepower, opt for a blower that is Heavy-Duty, Professional, or even Commercial.
- There’s a lot of hype around three-stage snow blowers, which are often hyped as more powerful than two-stage. Unfortunately, that isn’t a universal rule. Because there isn’t a standard for how much snow a machine can move based on size, horsepower, or other features, this is typically only true for blowers of the same brand.
Final Thoughts
A snowblower doesn’t need a ton of horsepower to do an outstanding job. After all, it’s not a car. However, it is vital to match the HP to the width and stages of your blower.
At three stages, you have three augurs, and the machine can clear large areas. You don’t want to spend hours pushing a too slow snowblower if you’re planning to clear a long driveway or you run a small snow clearing business.
Balance your power needs to your strength and stamina as well. Higher HP and larger machines are heavier, and they will cost you more energy to push.