You want to get a grill but know there are many to choose from. The choice almost always comes down to Napoleon grill vs Weber, but which do you choose?
Category: Outdoor Gear
You can learn how to smoke kielbasa in electric smokers and serve juicy, flavorsome sausages every time. There's a slight learning curve for anybody who hasn’t tried smoking before as getting the...
So, you want an outdoor 500 lb capacity folding chair but don’t know where to start. There are important things to guide your search and luckily for you, it is all right here.
Are you afraid that it is impossible to find a perfect smoker for your favorite grilled cuisine? There is no denying that the choice will often be between propane vs charcoal smoker, as they both are...
Any talk about Kamado grills will often lean towards versatility, amazing grilling, and BBQ. A Kamado grill will assure you the best outdoor cooking experience. The only catch would be to understand...
Are you among those who keep asking, are smoker thermometers accurate? If you are, you have come to the right place. Whether you are smoking barbecue ribs or chicken, you will want an idea of your...