Ducane grills are still made and is now owned by grilling giant Weber. Ducane grills have a long history and are extremely popular. They started out in Union City, New Jersey in 1946 and eventually moved to South Carolina and began making gas BBQ grills in 1975.
Ducane grills are known for their exceptional quality and innovated design.
Ducane Grills ceased operations in October of 2018 and is now owned by Weber-Stephen Products LLC, the world’s leading grill manufacturer. Ducane went bankrupt in 2003, but the assets of $13.6 million were purchased by Weber in 2004. Weber still makes Ducane grills, however they are now made in China.
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Who Makes The Ducane Grill
People sometimes want to know, “Does Ducane still make grills?” The answer is, yes.
Ducane is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Weber, and so their products are effectively backed by the Weber name.
Like most manufacturing companies, Ducane has moved grill production to China, although design and quality control is still carried out in the USA. So, Ducane does still make grills.
Where To Buy Ducane Grills
If in doubt about where to buy anything at all, I tend to head over to Amazon. Ducane grills are no exception to this rule.
I like the reviews on Amazon, they are very helpful when you are trying to decide which model is for you.
However, you’ll find that Ducane Grills are branded as Weber grills on Amazon, and that is a bit confusing.
I’ve found eBay to be another good source, and you might be lucky and pick up a second hand Ducane grill there.
The older Ducane barbecue grills were very robustly built, and if that grill has been well looked after a second-hand one could be a good buy.
However, you would have to get lucky and find a grill on eBay that is within driving distance, and most ordinary individuals are not going to want to pack up a large item grill and send it to you.
Homebase offer some exclusive Ducane models, as does Target (although under the Weber name) and there also several specialized grill companies selling on-line.
You might have to look for Ducane/Weber or even Weber on its own, but it’s worth searching around if you want to get a real Ducane barbecue grill.
So many people have happy memories of their parents grilling on their Ducane barbecue grill; it’s a brand name that just refuses to go away!,
Are Ducane Grills Good
Ducane grills are very good! Historically, they had a reputation for being built to last.
They were solidly built and well designed, and it was a matter of pride to own a made-in-America Ducane grill.
In the twenty-first century the average American buys a new barbecue every three years or so, but if you have a Ducane barbecue, it’s likely that it’s quite a bit older than this.
Ducane always made spare parts available, and their products were very well built, so they have gained a reputation for value and solid good performance over time.
These days the Ducane name is backed up by Weber. Although just about all barbecue grills these days are made in China, that doesn’t necessarily mean they are rubbish – far from it.
Major companies like Weber work closely with their manufacturing partners in China, and Chinese manufacturing standards are improving every year.
More good news is that repair kits for many of the Ducane models are readily available, and this is a big plus for the person who appreciates old fashioned value for money.
How Much Are Ducane Grills
Speaking of value for money, you might want to get an idea of the cost of a Ducane grill.
Ducane are priced in the mid-range, with prices as low as $350. Ducane’s motto was “Buy your last grill first” and this indicates that their objective was solid value for money.
Ducane Gas Grill Models
1 – Weber Ducane Affinity 3100 Grill
The Affinity 3100 is a popular model, and if you shop around you can find it for $350 or less.
With 418 square inches of space, this gas grill is ideal for someone who has a family, or who likes to entertain friends on the weekend.
Quality is decent, if not stellar, and spare parts are available if you ever need them.
The Affinity 3100 represents good value for money, with quality features such as scratch resistant work surfaces that are usually only found in more expensive offering.
2 – Weber Ducane Affinnity 4100 Grill
Want something a little larger? Next in the line is the Affinity 4100. With a total of 693 square inches of grilling and warming space, this gas fired grill is great for people who like to entertain on a large scale.
The cart has casters for easy movement, a built in thermometer for accurate cooking, and quality features such as heat distribution plates made from enameled porcelain.
Helpful Tips To Know About If Ducane Grills Are Still Made
People who remember the old Ducane barbecue grills might be disappointed to know that the Ducane name is fading away.
However, there are a few points that you should remember about Ducane Grills:
- The Ducane name is afloat – just about – but now has the backing of the giant Weber company which will offer you a warranty.
- When you are looking for a particular Ducane grill, it pays to search under Weber too.
- If you have an old Ducane barbecue grill there is still an inventory of spare parts around, and so you should be able to make necessary repairs without too much heartache. All Ducane Grill Models – GrillPartsReplacement – Online BBQ Parts Retailer is a good source.
- If you buy a Ducane grill and find it faulty in any way, the Weber name is backing it up, and they will look after you.
- You can look around at yard sales, Craig’s list and eBay to find a vintage Ducane grill, and as spare parts are pretty easily available, you could pick up a great bargain.